Dan (KK7IOD) briefed us on introducing a radio communications plan to your neighbors. He covered equipment, appropriate radio services, training, and many other factors that go into putting together a viable, usable emergency communications plan for use in a local area. He closed with a recording of an actual neighborhood net (names and places have been deleted to preserve privacy).
If you missed this meeting, you missed out on some great post-presentation discussion as well. Please review the video and slides here and feel free to comment.
Here’s the PDF version of the slide deck: Radio Comms for Your Neighborhood
Radio Comms for Your Neighborhood
All of the photos are from pixabay.com and all of the quotes are from azquotes.com. The sample family contact plan is from Kevin Westenskow KB7SNA. The script for the recorded net is from Sherwood Preece KF7YCT.
The Retevis RB26 cheat sheet is here: RB26 GMRS Quick Reference Card
Sample Net Control script is here: South Cottonwood Ward ERC Net Control Dialogue
More info on Meshtastic can be found here: https://www.meshtastic.com/
The Icom Wi-Fi radio system can be found here: https://www.icomamerica.com/en/products/network/wlan/wlan/default.aspx
Screenshots of the ready.gov info came from: https://www.ready.gov/plan and https://www.ready.gov/plan-for-locations
Similar info available on: https://slcoem.org/be-prepared-community-outreach/family-communication-plan/ and https://slcoem.org/be-prepared-community-outreach/12-ways-to-prepare/