Author Archive: Jan (KD7ZWV)
Utah ARES and Utah ARRL Update for 2021
As was mentioned on tonight's net, some new information has been posted regarding changes in Utah ARES. Of particular note is the new mailing list for ARES information. See below for details. This message was sent via e-mail from Tyler Griffiths (N7UWX).
Happy New year from Utah ARES and Utah ARRL.
First I must apologize. You may be getting this email from more than one source but I feel it is important to get the word out.
Last year, March, 2020, Tyler Griffiths, N7UWX, was appointed as the new Utah ARRL Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC). The SEC appointment is made by our ARRL Section Manager, Mel Parkes, NM7P. The Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) is the assistant to the Section Manager (SM) for emergency preparedness. The SEC is appointed by the SM to administer all matters pertaining to emergency communications and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) on a Section-wide basis.
Bob Craven, N7GTE, who has held the SEC position for many years, has stepped down as the SEC but will continue on as the officer for the state Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES). He will still be in charge of the RACES net, annual RACES Conference and any dealing with the State of Utah. Tyler will be working closely with Bob and Mel in this position.
I have created a new email group and web page to keep Utah ARES members and those interested in Emergency Communications informed. The following link will take you to the page to join the group: This link will take you to the web page:
If you are an EC (Emergency Coordinator) and have not been contacted or put on the EC email list please contact me and I will be happy to get you added.
If you have any comments, suggestions or question feel free to contact myself or Mel.
Tyler Griffiths, N7UWX Utah ARRL Section Emergency Coordinator
Mel Parks, NM7P Utah ARRL Section Manager
You may be interested in watching this video. It has some very good thoughts on what Grid Down communications would look like!
Grid Down: KM4ACK After Action Report from the 2020 Christmas day Explosion in Nashville, TN.
Glad to have you on board if you so choose to be involved.
73 de Tyler Griffiths N7UWX
Utah ARRL Section Emergency Coordinator
Ham Radio University Upcoming Forums
As was mentioned (thanks, Chris) on this evening's net, Ham Radio University is sponsoring a virtual event this year with several presentations on various topics.
There are two tracks and here is an example of the topics available:
- Track 1
- NLI EmComm
- The Art of Operating Amateur Satellites with an HT
- DXing - Awards, Propagation, and QSLing
- Antenna Power Flow and SWR
- HF Digital Modes including FT8
- Raspberry Pi Applications for Ham Radio
- Track 2
- All Things Digital VHF & Above with DMR and D-Star
- Basics of HF Operating
- How to Learn and Have Fun with CW
- Software Defined Radios
- Remote Station Operation
- Overview of Ham Radio Logging Programs
- QRP: Low Power Fun
The event will be held on 9 January 2021 starting at 8:00 AM EST (6:00 AM MST). Please register for the event at the URL above. For details on the presentations, see Ham Radio University Forums. The presentations will be giving using GoToWebinar (see Go To Webinar Attendee Guide for additional information about system requirements).
It is not known at this time if the sessions will be recorded and made available for later viewing. This post will be updated as more information becomes available.
Advanced Topics Class 10 DEC 2020 – Logging
Jan (KD7ZWV) gives us an introduction to logging. What to log, why to log, and how to log.
Slides are available here.
Links mentioned during the presentation:
- Time and Date - About UTC
- Time and Date - Leap Seconds
- Summits on the Air Mapping Tool
- RST System for Signal Reports
- QRZ Grid Mapper
- Ham Radio Logbook on Amazon
- M0UKD Log Pages
- QSL.Net List of Logging Software
- Logger32 Software for Windows
- KLog for MacOS
- CRQ Log for Linux
- Ham Radio Logger for Android
- HamLog for iOS (iPhone/iPad) - this appears to have been removed from the app store, I'll try to locate another logging app for iOS and link it here... if you know of one, please comment on this post and let me know
- ARRL Logbook of The World
- QRZ Logbook Online
- eQSL Cards
Basic Topics Class 3 December 2020 – 50 things to do with your ham radio
Dan (N7XDL) shares with us fifty things to do with your ham radio in 2021.
During the presentation, a few links were posted to the Zoom chat. They are included here for ease of reference:
- - this link doesn't work any more, but you might find some useful information on the parent site,
The slides will be added to this post when they are available.
The Fox Hunt!
On Saturday, 14 November 2020, MARC and the Taylorsville Amateur Radio Club participated in a "pandemic safe" fox hunt. This was done by having everyone take a bearing from whatever their location was (typically their home, but Neil (KF7PKX) at least took his bearing from his workplace). All of these locations and bearings were given to Dan (N7XDL) who plotted the bearings on a map, which you can see here: Nov14Event_TARC_MARC.
As you can see, not every bearing pointed directly at the fox, which is expected. But if you observe, there were several bearings that did intersect at the approximate location of the fox. For our first try, it was very promising!
We will be participating with Taylorsville for next month's hunt on 12 December 2020. It has not been determined yet if this will be another "pandemic safe" hunt or if we will actually get together in person (maintaining social distancing and wearing masks). Watch this space for updates as we get closer to the event!
Advanced Training Class. 12 November 2020 – Fox Hunts part two
Dan (N7XDL) continued his presentation on fox hunts, also known as radio direction finding. This evening's lesson covered topics such as signal attenuation, directional antennas, using a compass to take a bearing, magnetic declination, and plotting bearing lines to triangulate on a target.
UPDATE: The slides from the presentation are now available!
Basic Training 5 November 2020 – Fox Hunts part one
Dan (N7XDL) gave us a brief introduction to "Fox Hunts" or radio direction finding. Our neighboring Taylorsville Amateur Radio Club has been doing fox hunts on the second Saturday of each month for the last couple of months. They have invited us to participate with them this month.
Dan will continue his lesson next week with more detailed information on using directional antennae to track down a hidden transmitter.
A copy of the presentation is included here. Check it out as it includes instructions for building your own "tape measure yagi," a simple directional antenna.
Please consider joining us next week for part two of this lesson! If you need information on how to join the meeting, use the Contact Us link.
Monthly Meeting 15 October 2020 – Computer and E-mail Security
Presentation: Computer_Security