Advanced Node Configuration – AREDN Deep Dive 3, part 1 – Advanced Topics – 13 MAR 2025

Jan (KD7ZWV) brings up his node's console and walks through the UI, digging into various areas and exploring advanced options as well as typical configuration choices.  Unfortunately, we didn't get as far through the UI as planned and we will continue this next month.  There are no slides for this presentation as it was a "live demo" (gasp).  As usual, some things failed to work as expected in the live demo, particularly opening a tunnel from Jan's laptop to the node itself so we could look at some other configurations and follow links in the UI.  Since this didn't work, we were confined to operations directly on Jan's node.  Hopefully by next month he will have his tunnel working and will be able to demo more effectively what can be done with the UI.

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