Winlink Workshop – Advanced Topics – 11 APR 2024

This week we continued our 2024 advanced topics program with a Winlink workshop.  Last month, we introduced Winlink and got people set up with the software, got Winlink accounts created, and made connections using "Telnet" protocol.  This month our focus was on getting people working with RF!  We had about ten folks show up with computers, radios, and interfaces and got most of them going on VHF, using both the Crossroads club's gateway (K7XRD-10) and West Valley City's gateway (N7WVC-10).

Next month we'll continue the process of getting everyone working on RF, and we'll experiment with P2P and other techniques.  If you're just getting started with Winlink, we'll help you get going from the ground up.  If you've had Winlink for a while but not used it much, we'll show you some things you can do.  If you're having trouble getting Winlink to work with your radio, bring it to the meeting and we'll help you get it running and working.