New Club Mailing Lists

We are now using the mailing list manager to maintain the club members list and the club announcements list.

The members list is for all members of MARC.  If you are a MARC member, you should join this list.  You can join the list by visiting and entering your e-mail address.  You will receive an e-mail instructing you to click the enclosed link to validate your e-mail address.  Since this is a closed list, once you have done so, a message will be sent to the list admins to have your subscription approved.  This may take up to 24 hours.  Once you are approved, you will receive a message informing you that you have subscribed to the list.

The announcement list is open to all, but can only be posted to by list moderators.  Posts sent to this list will advise about upcoming meetings and events of relevance to MARC.  You do NOT need to be a member of MARC to join the announcement list.  Join the list by visiting and entering your e-mail address.  You will receive an e-mail instructing you to click the enclosed link to validate your address.  Once you have done so, you will receive a message indicating that you have been subscribed to the list.

We have also set up a third list for the club education committee.  If you are interested in teaching a class or in suggesting topics for future classes, you are welcome to join the education committee list.  Join the list by visiting and entering your e-mail address.  Any list member can post to this list and it is open to anyone who is interested in helping teach.

Please join the appropriate list(s) for your interest and participation.  If you have suggestions for additional lists, please post them here as a comment or use the Contact Us form.

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