Club Membership
Membership in the Murray Amateur Radio Club is free and open to all. Even though the club is dedicated to Murray City, we are happy to have active members who live outside of the city. All are welcome to come to the club meetings and to participate on the web site and in club activities. Most importantly, you do not have to already be an amateur radio operator to join the club! If you are curious about amateur radio and have some interest in learning about it, come to the club meetings and we'll teach you what you need to know so you can get licensed.
Membership Types
There are three classifications of club members:
- Full Membership: Full membership is open to all U.S. licensed Radio Amateurs living within the city boundaries of Murray, Utah. Full members receive all club privileges including the right to vote in all club business, as well as holding a club office including board positions.
- Affiliate Membership: Affiliate membership is open to those operators living outside of the city boundaries of Murray, Utah. Associate members receive all club privileges except for the right to hold a board position and vote in club business.
- Unlicensed Membership: Membership is open to all non-licensed individuals who wish to participate in club activities.Unlicensed members may not hold a club office or vote in club related business.
Web Site Accounts
Club members have access to some information on the web site that non-members do not get access to (information about other club members, for example). The membership levels on the web site are as follows:
- Visitors - people viewing the web site who do not have a web site account
- Guest Members - have access to view most information on the web site and to comment on web site posts
- Affiliate Members - individuals who have joined MARC but do not live in Murray City, they have access to the Member's Only area. This may include licensed and unlicensed people
- Members - individuals live in Murray City and are fully participating members in the club, they have access to the Member’s Only area as well. This may also include licensed and unlicensed people
- Charter Members - have been involved with the club since it's early days... otherwise exactly the same as Members
Club Dues and Fees
Dues are not required to be a member of the club. Occasionally, club members will be asked to contribute to a general fund that is used for covering costs related to the operation of the club or its resources (repeaters, club-owned radios, supplies, etc.).
Registration as a member of the club is separate from the web site registration. There are also some mailing lists that you might want to join and registration for them is also handled separately. See the Mailing Lists page for more information on the club mailing lists.
If you would like to register for access to the web site, you can do so at the Registration Page. Please enter a valid e-mail address as your initial password will be sent by e-mail. If you have a call sign, please enter that in the appropriate field. This registration will allow you to comment on posts and pages. If you are also a club member, your site membership will be updated accordingly (it may take a few days for this to happen... you'll get an e-mail from the site when it does).
If you want to become a club member, please fill out the form below.